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Quick Start
This page will guide you through creating your first page
This page will guide you through setting up your first site built with QuantumJS. At the end you will have written some quantum markup and will have compiled it into a HTML page that can be viewed in the browser.
Install quantum
The first step is to install quantum globally. Here is the command for doing that:
npm install -g quantum-core
Initialise the project
Next we are going to set up the project and install the dependencies we need.
Create a new directory for our example project to live in, and cd into it:
mkdir example-quantum-site
cd example-quantum-site
Initialise an npm project with:
npm init
Then install some of the quantum modules we are going to use:
npm install --save-dev quantum-html quantum-docs
Create a config file
Next we'll create a config file for building our project. The config file describes how to convert your markup into HTML. Create a file called quantum.config.js and copy the following into it:
const html = require('quantum-html')
const docs = require('quantum-docs')

  Define the set of entity transforms - these transform
  individual entries in the page to virtual dom.
const htmlTransforms = {
  html: html.entityTransforms(),
  docs: docs.entityTransforms()

  Define the pipeline - this transforms an entire page from
  quantum ast to HTML.
const pipeline = [
  html.fileTransform({ entityTransforms: htmlTransforms })

/* Export the pipeline, the pages we want to transform */
module.exports = {
  pipeline: pipeline,
  pages: '*.um'
Create an example page
Create a file called index.um and copy this into it:
  @title My First Page
  @description: My first page built with Quantum

  @topic Information
    Page Content can go inside topics

    @section Sub-information
      It can also go inside sections inside topics

@codeblock js
  // Example Codeblock
  const length = 5
  for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Build the site
Run this command in the terminal to build the site
quantum build
Check the 'target' directory for the output. There should be a file called index.html in there - open it up in a browser to see what has been generated.
Watching for changes
When working on your site, you'll more likely want to use the watch command. This command starts up a web server and reloads the page in your browser whenever a change is made.
quantum watch
After running quantum watch, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser and then change something in index.um.
What Next?
Read more about quantum and how it works here: